Condensed Matter Theory Seminar

RIIS Colloquia

Condensed Matter Theory Seminar

FY 2024

Faculty of Science Building 1, Lecture Room 32
(Normally) Tuesday, 16:00
Harald Jeschke (, Junya Otsuki (
Date & Time Speaker Title Contact
April 24 (Wed),14:00 @Lecture Room in Collaboration Buldg. Yuri Fukaya, Graduate School of Enviromental, Life, Natural Science, and Technology, School of Engineering, Okayama University Design of supercurrent diode by vortex phase texture Masanori Ichioka
May 15 (Wed), 16:30 Hitoshi Seo, Condensed Matter Theory Laboratory and Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN Recent developments of model studies on molecular compounds Harald Jeschke

FY 2023

Faculty of Science Building 1, Lecture Room 32
(Normally) Tuesday, 16:00
Harald Jeschke (, Junya Otsuki (
Date & Time Speaker Title Contact
July 11 (Tue),16:00 Youichi Yanase, Department of Physics, Kyoto University Quantum geometry in superconductors Harald Jeschke
October 13 (Fri),@Lecture Room 24 Yukitoshi Motome, Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo Majorana fermions in Kitaev spin liquids - toward expanding the candidate materials Harald Jeschke
December 21 (Thu), @Lecture Room in Collaboration Buldg. Dr Gunnar Möller, University of Kent, UK Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo: current status and applications to large-N field theories Junya Otsuki
February 8 (Thu), @Lecture Room in Collaboration Buldg. Akimitsu Kirikoshi, Department of Physics, Hokkaido University Augmented multipoles:classification of order paramater and cross-correlated phenomena Junya Otsuki
February 27 (Tue), @Lecture Room 9 Karlo Penc, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics Negative thermal expansion in the plateau state of a magnetically-frustrated spinel Harald Jeschke

FY 2022

Faculty of Science Building 1, Lecture Room 32
(Normally) Tuesday, 16:00
Harald Jeschke (, Junya Otsuki (
Date & Time Speaker Title Contact
May 20 (Fri), 16:00 @ Collaboration room 307 Yasir Iqbal, IIT Madras Quantum Spin Liquid Physics on a novel shuriken lattice based material Harald Jeschke

FY 2020-2021

This seminar series has been suspended under COVID-19.

FY 2019

Faculty of Science Building 1, Lecture Room 32
(Normally) Tuesday, 16:00
Harald Jeschke (, Hiroto Adachi (
Date & Time Speaker Title Contact
April 25 (Thu), 16:00 @ Collaboration room 307 Yoshio Kuramoto, KEK Orbital Kondo effect from ideal to reality Junya Otsuki
May 9 (Thu), 16:00, @ Collaboration room 307 Igor Mazin, Naval Research Lab Conventional high temperature superconductivity: from A15 to MgB2 to hydrides Harald Jeschke
May 27 (Mon), 16:00 Fakher Assaad, University of Würzburg Kondo nano-systems and lattices Harald Jeschke
July 30 (Tue), 16:30 @ Collaboration room 307 Takashi Miyake, AIST Magnetic anisotropy in iron-based rare-earth compounds Harald Jeschke
November 15 (Fri), 15:30 Chisa Hotta, University of Tokyo Controlling momentum-dependent spin textures in insulating antiferromagnets Harald Jeschke
December 20 (Fri), 16:00 Hiroaki Matsueda, Sendai National College of Technology Roles of singular value decomposition in interdisciplinary physics research Junya Otsuki
January 24 (Fri), 14:30 Hiroaki Kusunose, Meiji University Emergent spin-orbit physics without relying on atomic spin-orbit coupling Harald Jeschke

FY 2018

Faculty of Science Building 1, Lecture Room 32
(Normally) Tuesday, 16:00
Harald Jeschke (, Hiroto Adachi (
Date & Time Speaker Title Contact
April 24 (Tue), 16:00 Hiroshi Shinaoka, Saitama University First principles study on strong correlations in pyrochlore systems Harald Jeschke
May 14 (Mon), 14:00 Jun Goryo, Hirosaki University Surface properties of chiral d-wave superconductor with hexagonal symmetry Harald Jeschke
June 12 (Tue), 16:00 Takashi Koretsune, Tohoku University First-principles study of phonon-mediated superconductors Harald Jeschke
July 20, 16:30 @ Collaboration room 307 Hiroaki Ikeda, Ritsumeikan University First-principles analysis of heavy-electron superconductors Hiroto Adachi
September 06, 16:00 @ Collaboration room 307 Junya Otsuki, Tohoku University Strong-coupling formula of spin and orbital susceptibilities in the dynamical mean-field theory Harald Jeschke
October 19, 14:00@Room 32 William Sacks, Sorbonne University Is there a need for a new model of high-Tc superconductivity? A flash look a both tunneling and ARPES spectra answers yes! Harald Jeschke
November 19, 14:00 @ Collaboration room 307 Hena Das, Tokyo Institute of Technology Magnetoelectricity in Hexagonal Lattice Harald Jeschke
January 22 (Tue), 16:00 Johannes Reuther, Freie Universitaet Berlin Functional renormalization for frustrated spin systems: Latest developments and applications Harald Jeschke
February 21 (Thu), 16:00 @ Collaboration room 307 Joji Nasu, Yokohama National University Finite-temperature spin dynamics and transport phenomena in Kitaev spin liquids Junya Otsuki
March 20 (Wed), 16:00 Carsten Honerkamp, Aachen University, Low-energy effective interaction parameters for correlated electrons by constrained functional renormalization group calculations Harald Jeschke

FY 2017

Faculty of Science Building 1, Lecture Room 32
(Normally) Tuesday, 15:30
Harald Jeschke (, Hiroto Adachi (
Date & Time Speaker Title Contact
April 25 (Tue), 15:30 Ryotaro Arita, RIKEN Cluster multipole theory for anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnets Harald Jeschke
May 19 (Fri), 15:30 Kazumasa Miyake, Osaka University Ubiquity of Odd-frequency Superconductivity in Coexistence Phase with Antiferromagnetic Order in Heavy Fermion Metals Hiroto Adachi
June 9 (Fri), 15:30 So Takei, Queens College CUNY Spin current and dc noise generated across biased quantum spin chains Hiroto Adachi
July 12 (Wed), 16:00 @ Collaboration room 307 Hisatomo Harima, Kobe University The origin of the parity-violation splitting in Fermi surfaces Hiroto Adachi
August 24 (Thu), 15:30 @ Collaboration room 307 Andreas Honecker, Univ. de Cergy-Pontoise The magnetocaloric effect: history and perspectives Harald Jeschke
September 29 (Fri), 15:30 Nic Shannon, Okinawa Inst. Sci. Tech. How many spin liquids are there in Ca10Cr7O28? Harald Jeschke
October 27 (Fri), 15:30 Kazuhiko Kuroki, Osaka University Enhancement of spin-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity due to orbital distillation and multiband effects Hiroto Adachi
November 10 (Fri), 15:30 Hikaru Kawamura, Osaka University Quantum spin liquids induced by frustration and randomness Harald Jeschke
December 13 (Wed), 15:30 Stephan Rachel, University of Melbourne Quantized charge transport in chiral Majorana edge modes Harald Jeschke
--------Time changed--------January 23 (Tue), 16:00 Toru Sakai, University of Hyogo Gapless Spin Excitations in the Kagome- and Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnets Hiroto Adachi
--------Time changed--------February 1 (Thu), 16:00 Fumiyasu Oba, Tokyo Institute of Technology Computational design and exploration of novel semiconductors Harald Jeschke
--------Time changed--------February 16 (Fri), 16:00 Sergei Kruchinin, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics Thermoelectricity in tunneling nanostructures Jun Akimitsu

RIIS Colloquia