Principles and Organogram


The Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science (RIIS) was established at Okayama University in April 2016. The purpose of this Institute is to produce world-class research achievements in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and structural biology. The RIIS consists of three divisions, focusing on the quantum universe, photosynthesis and structural biology, and superconducting and functional materials, which collectively support fifteen research groups. Our academic staff of about 40 includes three senior researchers, Prof. Jun Akimitsu, Prof. Noboru Sasao, and Prof. Motohiko Yoshimura, and more than 100 students. Current RIIS research projects include (1) neutrino physics using laser spectroscopy, (2) the fabrication of artificial photosynthesis systems as well as the clarification of the mechanism of photosynthesis, including the structures involved, (3) the design of superconducting materials with a high superconducting critical temperature and new functional materials for future electronic devices, and (4) the elucidation of the properties of energy storage materials using a theoretical approach. Among these projects, a study determining the structure of the active center of photosynthesis II (Nature 473, 55, 2011) was selected as ‘Breakthrough of the Year 2011’ in Science. Our research achievements in other areas are also at the world-class level. Many research findings have been published in Nature, Science, and other high-impact journals. Furthermore, RIIS aims to produce new functional materials and devices for a future sustainable society through interdisciplinary collaboration in the above areas. Moreover, RIIS has adopted a strong collaborative approach with researchers overseas. For this purpose, RIIS is currently setting up a visiting researcher system that will allow overseas researchers to study with us (short-term or long-term) at our Institute. Furthermore, RIIS is planning to establish a new education system at the graduate school level (a doctoral program) for fostering active young researchers, and RIIS will recruit highly motivated students from all over the world.


  • Dean -- Vice Dean
    • Division Leader
      • Research sector of Atomic Neutrino Spectroscopy
      • Research Sector of Advanced Quantum Beam
      • Research Sector of Mathematical Science
      • Research Sector of Quantum Coherence
    • Division Leader
      • Research Sector of Structural Biology for Photosynthesis
      • Research Sector of Functional Biology for Photosynthesis
      • Research Sector of Artificial Photosynthesis System
      • Research Sector of Evolution and Structural Biology
    • Division Leader
      • Research Sector of Physics and Materials Design for High-Tc Superconductors
      • Research Sector of Quantum Physics for Superconductors
      • Research Sector of Light-Element Superconductors and Electronics
      • Research Sector of Synthetic Chemistry for Functional Materials
      • Research Sector of Molecular Science