Professor Michihiro Suga was awarded "The Robin Hill Award" from the International Society for Photosynthesis on August 3.
Photosynthesis is a reaction in which plants and algae use the energy of light to extract oxygen from water and convert carbon dioxide into sugars. Robin Hill discovered in the 1930s that oxygen from water in photosynthesis requires electron acceptors such as iron ions (the Hill reaction). The Robin Hill Award of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research was established to honor his contributions to photosynthesis research. The award is presented at the international congress on photosynthesis research of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research to a young scientist who has produced outstanding results in research on the physical aspects of the photosynthetic process.
The Robin Hill Award was recently presented to Professor Suga for his research on "Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution and the Three-Dimensional Structure of Photosynthesis-Related Membrane Protein Complexes" in recognition of his contributions to the advancement of photosynthesis research. Dr. Suga delivered the award lecture at at the international congress on photosynthesis research held in New Zealand on August 3, and received the award certificate. He is the first researcher affiliated with a Japanese research institution to receive this award.
In accepting the award, Professor Suga said, "I am very grateful to receive this prestigious award. I am grateful for the support of my many collaborators, mentors, laboratory members, and family members who have helped me continue my research to date.
●The Robin Hill Award
Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science
Professor Michihiro Suga
Phone: 086-251-7877

Prof. Suga receiving the award from Prof. Wim VERMAAS (right), President of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research