Professor Jian-Ren Shen of RIIS attended the Gregori Aminoff Prize Ceremony of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences held at the City Hall in Stockholm on June 13, and received a certificate and medal from the King of Sweden.
Prof. Shen was also invited to a dinner banquet attended by the King, and on June 14, the following day, he gave a lecture at the Royal Academy of Sciences on the water-decomposition reaction mechanism of photosynthesis.
Professor Shen was awarded the prize in 2020 jointly with Professor Douglas Rees (California Institute of Technology) for "fundamental contributions to the elucidation of the function of redox metal clusters in biology". The ceremony has been postponed and has now been held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences.
Reference: September 18, 2019 Professor Shen of RIIS receives the Gregori Aminoff Prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (In Japanese).
Prof. Jian-Ren Shen, Director of RIIS
Phone: 086-251-8502
Professor Shen shakes hands with the King of Sweden after receiving a certificate and medal from the King.
Professor Shen with his Gregori Aminoff Prize certificate and medal.