

    Dean Professor SHEN, Jian-Ren
    Vice Dean Professor NISHIHARA, Yasushi
    Clerical Assistant TSUKUDA, Hitomi
      This division aims to create new fields of fundamental physics that combine atomic physics, quantum optics, mathematical science, and quantum beam physics with cosmology and particle physics. A more specific purpose is to open up the new field of “neutrino mass spectroscopy with atoms” using a “macro-coherent amplification mechanism”, which is a new principle invented and proven experimentally in this division, and also a production technology for quantum coherent targets. The challenge will be to clarify various neutrino-related issues, such as the nature of neutrino mass (Dirac or Majorana), mass hierarchy, absolute neutrino mass, and the CP violating phase, all of which give essential clues to the origin of the matter-antimatter imbalance in our universe. The division creates new research fields, innovative quantum optics using the nucleus, and a coherent quantum beam based on a novel principle, aiming at future development of both fundamental and applied science.
      Division Leader Professor YOSHIMURA, Koji
      • Research sector of Advanced Quantum Beam
        UETAKE Group
        Associate Professor UETAKE, Satoshi
        Associate Professor (Special Appointment) MASUDA,Takahiko
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) IMAI, Yasutaka
      • Research Sector of Atomic Neutrino Spectroscopy
        YOSHIMURA Group
        Professor YOSHIMURA, Koji
        Professor (Special Appointment) SASAO, Noboru
        Associate Professor YOSHIMI, Akihiro
        Lecturer (Special Appointment) MIYAMOTO, Yuki
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) HARA, Hideaki
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) HIRAKI, Takahiro
        Reseacher (Reseach Fellowship for Young Scientists) TAKATORI, Sayuri
        Visiting Researcher YOSHIMURA,Motohiko
        Visiting Researcher HIRAMOTO,Ayami
        Visiting Researcher NAKANO, Itsuo
        Academic Research Assistant BABA, Masaaki
        Part-Time Researcher OKAI, Koichi
        Visiting Professor John M.Doyle
        Clerical Assistant HATTA, Miyuki
      • Research Sector of Mathematical Science
        TANIGUCHI Group
        Professor TANIGUCHI, Masaharu
        Associate Professor KAWAMOTO, Masaki
        Clerical Assistant HATTA, Miyuki
      • Research Sector of Quantum Coherence
      The research areas of this division include three disciplines, structural biology, functional analysis, and artificial photosynthesis, all focusing on the structure and function of proteins involved in oxygenic photosynthesis and the creation of artificial photosynthesis systems based on naturally evolved photosynthetic reactions. The structural biology group aims to resolve the molecular structure of the two photosystems at the atomic level by using high-energy X-rays at Spring8 and the X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) at SACLA to gain a deeper understanding of high-efficiency light utilization and the light-induced water-splitting reaction mechanism. The functional analysis group studies the function of proteins involved in photosynthetic electron transport using molecular biological, biochemical, and biophysical approaches to generate photosynthetic organisms that are able to grow in high stress environments. This group also tries to produce devices that generate electrical power or hydrogen, using photosynthetic proteins. The artificial photosynthesis research group aims to create an artificial photosynthesis system by mimicking the structure of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthetic organisms. This group is interested in developing new transition metal complexes that efficiently split water into protons and oxygen using light energy.
      Division Leader Professor SUZUKI, Takayoshi
      • Research Sector of Functional Biology for Photosynthesis
        SHEN Group
        Professor SHEN, Jian-Ren
        Associate Professor AKITA, Fusamichi
        Associate Professor (Special Appointment) ISOBE, Hiroshi
        Associate Professor (Special Appointment) KATO, Koji
        Assistant Professor NAKAJIMA, Yoshiki
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) TSAI, Pi-Cheng
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) LA ROCCA, Romain
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) KURODA, Hiroshi
        Technical Assistant KAWAMOTO, Tsutomu
        Technical Assistant KATO, Kumiyo
        Clerical Assistant SAKAI, Mayuko
        Specially Appointed Professor TAKAHASHI, Yuichiro
      • Research Sector of Structural Biology for Photosynthesis
        SUGA Group
        Professor SUGA, Michihiro
        Assistant Professor SAITO, Yasunori
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) LI, Hongjie
        Part-Time Researcher HAMAO, Shino
        Part-Time Researcher SHIRAGA, Mizuho
        Technical Assistant TANIGUCHI, Koichi
        Clerical Assistant SAKAI, Mayuko
      • Research Sector of Artificial Photosynthesis System
        SUZUKI Group
        Professor SUZUKI, Takayoshi
      • MISAWA Group
        Professor(Special Appointment) MISAWA, Hiroaki
        Assistant Professor(Special Appointment) QIAO, Lin
        Technical Assistant YAMADA, Miwa
        Technical Assistant YAMAGUCHI, Yumiko
      • Research Sector of Evolution and Structural Biology
        ROBINSON Group
        Visiting Researcher ROBINSON, Robert C.
        Lecturer (Special Appointment) SENJU, Yosuke
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) KITAOKU, Yoshihito
        Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) ALI Samson
        Academic Research Assistant KUROSAKI, Saori
        Researcher (Research Fellowship for Young Scientists) TAKAHASHI,Daichi
        Clerical Assistant AYABE, Chiharu
      This division focuses on the understanding and development of superconducting, functional, and energy storage materials. Particular strengths are in the experimental techniques of chemical synthesis and spectroscopy and the theories of superconducting materials, clathrate hydrates, and aqueous solutions. In the superconductivity section, we search for new superconductors with higher transition temperatures as well as novel superconducting states such as chiral superconductivity, using chemical synthesis, advanced photoemission spectroscopy, and superconductivity theory. The compounds we are studying include (1) borides and carbides, (2) transition-metal oxides, pnictides, and chalcogenides, (3) Ce and Pr based intermetallic compounds. We synthesize new materials using various advanced techniques, such as high-pressure synthesis; observe electronic structure with our advanced photoemission spectroscopy; and predict the existence and properties of new materials as well as novel superconducting states, using first-principles calculations. The section specializing in new functional materials designs efficient synthetic methods based on organometallic chemistry. These methods provide functional organic materials, such as fused π-electron molecules, to be used as organic superconductors, in field-effect transistors, and as organic photovoltaics. The energy storage materials section works to understand the physical properties of clathrate hydrates and a variety of liquids, including aqueous solutions, using molecular simulation and statistical mechanics. Current work includes theoretical studies on the stability, formation, and melting of hydrates, and also on the structures and phase transitions of liquid - liquid interfaces.
      Division Leader Professor YOKOYA, Takayoshi
    • Research Sector of Physics and Materials Design for High-Tc Superconductors
      KASAHARA Group
      Professor KASAHARA, Shigeru
      Associate Professor KIHARA, Takumi
    • Research Sector of Quantum Physics for Superconductors
      YOKOYA Group
      Professor YOKOYA, Takayoshi
      Associate Professor MURAOKA, Yuji
      Lecturer (Special Appointment) WAKITA, Takanori
      Part-Time Researcher YUE, Qiang
      Clerical Assistant KAWAMOTO, Risa
      ICHIOKA Group
      Professor ICHIOKA, Masanori
      Associate Professor ADACHI, Hiroto
      JESCHKE Group
      Professor JESCHKE, Harald O.
      Associate Professor OTSUKI, Junya
      Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) KIRIKOSHI, Akimitsu
      Clerical Assistant AYABE, Chiharu
      Clerical Assistant KUSUDO, Takako
    • Research Sector of Light-Element Superconductors and Electronics
      KUBOZONO Group
      Professor KUBOZONO, Yoshihiro
      Associate Professor GOTO, Hidenori
      Clerical Assistant KAWAMOTO, Risa
    • Research Sector of Synthetic Chemistry for Functional Materials
      NISHIHARA Group
      Professor NISHIHARA, Yasushi
      Assistant Professor MORI, Hiroki
      Assistant Professor TANAKA, Kenta
      Clerical Assistant KISHIDA, Reiko
    • Research Sector of Molecular Science
      SHINODA Group
      Professor SHINODA, Wataru
      Assistant Professor URANO, Ryo
      Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) MIYAZAKI, Yusuke
      Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) THUMMURU, Dhileep
      MATSUMOTO Group
      Associate Professor MATSUMOTO, Masakazu
      KOGA Group
      Professor KOGA, Kenichiro
      Associate Professor SUMI, Tomonari
      Clerical Assistant FURUTA, Sanae
    • Research Sector of Functional Molecular Engineering
      NISHINA Group
      Professor NISHINA, Yuta
      Associate Professor (Special Appointment) OBATA, Seiji
      Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) KATO, Riki
      Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) KOMODA, Masato
      Assistant Professor (Special Appointment) ZOU, Yajuan
      Part-Time Researcher TOMITA, Yusuke
      Part-Time Researcher ASANOMA, Daisuke
      Part-Time Researcher TAKATA, Ryuji
      Technical Assistant OKURA, Kentaro
      Technical Assistant JAMAN, Nusrat
      Technical Assistant HASHIMOTO, Makiko
      Technical Assistant YAMADA, Yumiko
      Director of the International Structure Biology Center Professor SHEN, Jian-Ren
      • Member
        Associate Professor (Special Appointment) NUMOTO, Nobutaka